博士 1989.9-1992.12 9159金沙游戏场、北京大学 发育生物学
硕士 1986.9-1989.7 9159金沙游戏场 胚胎学
本科 1982.9-1986.7 9159金沙游戏场 动物学
2007.10-现在 9159金沙游戏场 教授, 博导,泰山学者
1999.3-2007.10 美国St Jude儿童研究医院 Lab Supervisor
1997.3-1999.2 澳大利亚 昆士兰大学 Research Officer(A level)
1995.2-1997.2 中科院北京发育生物学研究所 副研究员
1993.1-1995.1 中科院上海细胞生物学研究所 博士后
1. 胚胎干细胞,基因打靶和转基因动物相关的研究
2. 人类疾病动物模型的制作及发育相关基因功能的研究
1. 2017-2020 NAT2、GSTT1和GSTM1基因突变小鼠模型的建立及其在老年性聋中的作用
2. 2014-2018 关键聋病基因的动物模型建立及其生物学功能研究 国家“973”课题
3. 2010-2014 卵巢衰老诱发女性生殖系统疾病的分子机理 国家“973”课题
4.2012-2015 Myh14基因功能的研究和人DFNA4疾病动物模型的建立 国家自然科学基金
5.2010-2012 Myo3A基因功能的研究及其人疾病动物模型的建立 国家自然科学基金
6.2009-2011 Prestin基因相关人疾病动物模型的建立 国家自然科学基金
7.2009-2011 人耳聋动物模型的建立及Prestin基困功能的研究 山东省科技攻关
8.2008-2010 人耳聋疾病动物模型的建立 教育部博士点基金
9.2008-2010 Prestin基因敲入动物模型的建立 教育部留学回国人员基金
1. 山东省泰山学者(2007-2012)
2. 山东省泰山学者二期 (2013-2017)
1. Jiangang Gao, Kyeongmi Cheon , Steven Nusinowitz, Daiger, Debora B. Farber, John R. Heckenlively, Eric A. Pierce, Lori S. Sullivan and Jian Zuo. Progressive photoreceptor degeneration, outer segment dysplasia, and rhodopsin mislocalization in mice with targeted disruption of the retinitis pigmentosa-1 (Rp1) gene. PNAS 99: 5698-5703 (2002).
2. M.Charles Liberman#, Jiangang Gao#, David Z.Z. He, Xudong Wu, Shuping Jia and Jian Zuo. Prestin is required for electromotility of the outer hair cell and for the cochlear amplifier. Nature 419: 300-304 (2002). #Equal first authors
3. Jiangang Gao, Stéphane F. Maison, Xudong Wu , Kirko Hirose, Ildar Bayazitov, Yong Tian, Guy Mittleman, Douglas B Matthews , Stanislav S. Zakharenko, M. Charles Liberman and Jian Zuo. Orphan Glutamate Receptor 1 Subunit Required for High-Frequency Hearing. Mol Cell Biol. 27(12): 4500-12 (2007).
4. Jiangang Gao, Xiang Wang, Xudong Wu, Keiji Matsuda, Manish Patel, Jing Zheng, MaryAnn Cheatham, David Z.Z He, Peter Dallos and Jian Zuo. Prestin-based outer hair cell electromotility in knockin mice does not appear to adjust the operating point of a cilia-based amplifier. PNAS 104 (30): 12542-47 (2007).
5. Chen Sun, Jing Zhao, Yecheng Jin, Congzhe Hou, Wen Zong, Tingting Lu, Huashun Li and Jiangang Gao*, PTEN regulation of the proliferation and differentiation of auditory progenitors through the PTEN/PI3K/Akt-signaling pathway in mice. NeuroReport 25(3):177-83(2014).
6. Congzhe Hou, Lingcui Ding, Yecheng Jin, Chen Sun, Zhenzu Li, Xiaoyang Sun, Huashun Li* and Jiangang Gao*, Abnormal Cerebellar Development and Purkinje Cell Defects in Lgl1-Pax2 Conditional Knockout Mice. Developmental Biology 395(1):167-81 (2014).
7. Wen Zong, Shuoyang Liu, Xiaotong Wang, Jian Zhang, Tingting Zhang, Ziyi Liu, Dongdong Wang, Aizhen Zhang, Minsheng Zhu*, Jiangang Gao*. Trio gene is required for mouse learning ability. B r a i n Re s e a r c h 1 6 0 8 : 8 2 – 9 0 ( 2 0 1 5 ).
8. Jian Zhang, Rui Yang, Ziyi Liu, Congzhe Hou, Wen Zong, Aizhen Zhang, Xiaoyang Sun and Jiangang Gao*. Loss of lysyl oxidase-like 3 causes cleft palate and spinal deformity in mice. Human Molecular Genetics 24 (21):6174-6185(2015).
9. Jian Zhang, Ziyi Liu, Aoshuang Chang, Jie Fang, Yuqin Men, Yong Tian, Xiaomei Ouyange, Denise Yane, Aizhen Zhang, Xiaoyang Sun, Jie Tang, Xuezhong Liu* , Jian Zuo*, Jiangang Gao*,Abnormal mRNA splicing but normal auditory brainstem response (ABR) in mice with the prestin (SLC26A5) IVS2-2A > G mutation. Mutation Research 790 (2016) 1–7.
10. Yecheng Jin, Naixia Ren, Shiwei Li, Xiaoyang Sun, Yuqin Men, Zhigang Xu,Jian Zhang, Yue Xie, Ming Xia* and Jiangang Gao*, Deletion of Brg1 causes abnormal hair cell planer polarity, hair cell anchorage, and scar formation in mouse cochlea. Scientific Reports 6:27124 (2016 ).| DOI: 10.1038/srep27124.